"Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail" - Charles F. Kettering

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Why Yoga is the Best Stress Buster

Does this picture look familiar? Trying to juggle life and perhaps work harder and faster?

With the pace of most people’s lives these days, no one is immune to the uncomfortable feeling of having too much to do, or having too many problems to solve.  But what if during the day you could be transported to a secluded beach with crystal clear water, gentle breezes and be completely alone as your eyes are drawn to a huge sailboat moving across the horizon?

At that moment, if only for a few seconds, you can “unplug” from the day’s circumstances.  How does that feel?  Calm, peaceful, serene?  This is what you can expect from taking a YOGA class with us.  YOGA allows you to press the re-set button and get back on track, similar to how a GPS recalibrates the directions when you’ve made a wrong turn.

Most would agree that when we are a state of anxiety and stress, working harder and faster, we can’t think very clearly.  We can start to rant about the problems or make rash decisions that don’t serve us well.  Conversely, when our thought is calm, we are receptive to the right steps to take and we notice our surroundings where the solution often appears.

We believe that yoga and meditation are powerful resources and change agents for both individuals and businesses.  Our mission is to grow a culture of well-being in the world.

We are proud of the long term relationships between our clients and instructors and are so excited to see these yogi's lives thrive as a result.

With Gratitude,
Synergy Yoga

p.s.  Try Christin's Long Slow Deep Class on 11/5 at 2:30 pm in Rock Hill experience working smarter not harder in your yoga practice.